Welcome to
Brisbane Water District
Veteran Golfers Club

Dear Member,
At our recent Committee Meetng, several agenda items which directly affect our membership were
discussed and we wish to advise you of the outcome.
BWDVGC has incurred increased costs over the last couple of years and we need to adjust our fee
structures accordingly.
Annual Membership Renewal
To run the Clubs overhead expenses, which include NSWVGA fees, Mi Golf Fees, and general administration, we use the income from our annual membership fee to cover these expenses.
We have found it necessary to raise the Annual Membership fee from $15.00 to $20.00 for fees payableor the 2024/25 financial year.
We note that the membership fee is payable by the 30th of September 2024 and can be paid now either as a direct debit or at games.
Green Fees
Some of our Host Clubs have notified BWDVGC of increases in Green Fees paid by BWDVGC.
It is noted that these fees are still discounted to those charged for most social clubs and social play.
Presently, we have notification of revised fees payable from the following clubs:
*Everglades fee increased to $22.00 from 1st July 2024;
*Gosford fee increased to $25.00 from 1st September 2024;
*Wyong fee increased to $30.00 from 1st January 2025;
*Kooindah Waters fee increased to $35.00 from 1st January 2025;
We expect other Clubs will also notify us of increases.
Weekly Competition Fees 2024
BWDVGC Committee have agreed to keep our game fee of $25.00 for the remaining games in the 2024 calendar year, which includes a margin for weekly prizes, club championships, trophy costs and contribution to end of year presentation lunch on the 9th December 2024 at Wyong.
Weekly Competition Fees 2025
As there is a large disparity in the green fees being charged the BWDVGC Committee agreed that next year we will structure our Competition Fees based on the Host Club Green Fee plus our margin.
Our Treasurer is examining the numbers regarding our margin required to operate weekly competitions and annual trophies etc, however it will not exceed the current margin of $5.00.
To simplify the handling of money at games next year each game on the BWDVGC Booking sheet will nominate the cost of that game in the heading. We are also looking to have a “Paywave” system in place for the 2025 year.
“Cash Payments” on the day will not be phased out but we expect that players will assist our volunteer starters by having the correct money on the day.
Grass Roots Program
We have been notfied that NSWVGA are looking to resume the “Grassroots programme” and we will use the funds in 2025 to provide recognition to players that have not won a prize within the last year as we had done before the suspension of the original “Grassroots programme” by NSWVGA.
One Tee Starts
We are also implementing at events that have smaller fields to use a “ONE TEE” start. This assists our members who wish to play later in the field. Some clubs are requesting us to open the other tee to social play. Many of the Clubs have suffered financially due to the weather conditions of the last four months and looking at ways to increase their course availability particularly to social play.
This confronts BWDVGC with some other inherent problems to beƩer manage at our events:
SLOW PLAY: Our events will be scruƟnised on our pace of play and it will be the responsibility of all players to keep up with the group in front. The BWDVGC - “SLOW PLAY” policy which will be on display at all future games.
NO SHOWS: We have times where players do not present for games they are booked in for,which oŌen means we have gaps in our field which our “Host Clubs” will scrutinise.
The BWDVGC – NO SHOW Policy will be displayed at all future games.
We request as a maƩer of courtesy that any player who is booked on the timesheet and cannot aƩend, they should as soon as possible delete their name as this will allow a player on the waitlist to immediately fill the position.
This may be done up to 6.00pm on the Sunday night prior to the Monday game.
After 6.00pm Sunday night the Captain has the right to adjust the field to minimise gaps. Any alterations will be notified by email to those players affected so please check your emails so that you will be on time.
Any Player who cannot aƩend, due to circumstances not foreseen aŌer the 6.00pm cut off,
“PLEASE NOTIFY BY PHONE OR TEXT ASAP” the Captain (Ph.0414 922 544) DO NOT relay a
message through your playing partner as this will not be accepted as it will be too late to make any adjustments.
Your Committee
We are struggling to attract members to Committee positions and the committee has been operating, this year with several positions vacant.
This means that most of the work on Game Days and in personal time falls onto a dedicated few who shoulder the workload.
Under our present Constitution the recruiting of Committee Members has a limitation that apart from the Executive Positions the remainder of the Committee are classified as Club Delegates representing the membership of their parent Golf Club and liaising with that Club on event days.
With the advent of technologies, the basic tasks of the delegates have been made redundant. We shall be proposing a change in our Constitution to remove the qualification of “Club delegate” and substitute a similar number of “Committee Members” giving the Club a better range of members who have dedication, motivation and a variety of skills to enhance BWDVGC’s operations and management.
Simply put under the current constitution when a Club delegate is elected it eliminates all members
of that Club from a Committee Position and depriving BWDVGC of valuable abilities.